About Amici LLC
Our goal is to make daily life more exciting by having people in Japan use wonderful products from around the world.
As we spend more and more time at home, it is nice to have functional and stylish goods in our daily lives. Also, We will support people’s desire to bring their own special gear for outdoor activities on holidays.
Our Motivation
Our driving force is to encounter something that can contribute in some small way to changing the daily lives of consumers into something better than yesterday. We hope to create a circle of joy by offering more attractive and better products through our daily new challenges.
Our Story
Amici LLC is a company that imports, plans and sells apparel merchandise, fashion goods, and sporting goods.
We are committed to discovering products with functionality and design features that are not yet available in Japan, and to selling products that are functional and pleasing to women to use. Our mission is to deliver high quality products that support active lifestyles for everyone in Japan. Whether indoor or outdoor, you can count on Amici LLC.

Our Team
Madoka Egami
As I enjoyed traveling and visited overseas often, I learned that there are wonderful products in the world that are not known in Japan, and I wanted to introduce these products in Japanese market, so I started an import business.
I have been engaged in web marketing at an IT company for 10 years, and I will use my experience to develop a crowdfunding and e-commerce store.
We hope to introduce unique and functional products that are rooted in your daily lives.
Our Products
vimare ブランドとしてAmazonを中心に販売しています。女性向けのルームウェアや、ランジェリー、雑貨などを扱っています。

Our office
Amici LLC
Madoka Egami (Founder)
合同会社アミーチ 代表 江上円香
- 所在地: 東京都渋谷区神宮前六丁目23番4号 桑野ビル2階
- 電 話: 03-4362-9260
- E-mai: info@amici.tokyo
Copywright(C) 2022 Amici LLC.